Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dreams of Painting

Last night I had a very interesting Dream. At the end of the dream, I was in this guest house in which half of the master bedroom was converted into a Painters studio. In the dream I was being educated by someone on the importance of making my own colors. I was told I needed to have only large tubes of paint in the primary colors (Red, Yellow, Blue) and from there I should make my own colors!!

As the dream progressed, I began working on the hummingbird painting (which I have been slacking on starting in real life). I was almost finished painting it when I woke up suddenly.

The most interesting part of this dream, is that I was using oil paints... the smell of which makes me horribly nauseas and light headed. I suppose we'll see, because now all I want to do is go downstairs and paint, but I can't b/c I have errands to run and places to go.. maybe I just need to take a day and devote it (or at least a portion of it) to my art and then that creative spark will ignite and I'll be back in artist-mode. 

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